PFA Board Spring Elections
Our PFA Executive Board is always working on making the next year even better. We are always happy to have parents help in any way they can, and we need new board members every year. If you think you might be interested in a board position, please join one of our PFA meetings (see the Calendar page of this website), or contact PFA President, Dawn Sue-Dare.[email protected]
Every year the PFA holds annual Board Elections in the Spring. All PFA positions are open to all parents. Each PFA position can be shared between 2 people (with the exception of President). Following is how the PFA Election Process works:
1) Spring Election dates are announced.
2) All Bay Laurel Parents can submit their name for any position on the board.
3) Ballots are prepared and sent electronically to all parents via email in February/March of the current school year.
4) Ballots are collected and counted electronically, then winners are determined.
5) Election winners are announced in one of the Sunday PFA email blasts in April.
6) Outgoing PFA Board Members are thanked; incoming PFA Board members are "installed" at our PFA Installation Meeting at the end of May/early June.
A brief overview of our elected positions include the following (for additional detail on each position click HERE, or contact PFA President, Dawn Sue-Dare):
Every year the PFA holds annual Board Elections in the Spring. All PFA positions are open to all parents. Each PFA position can be shared between 2 people (with the exception of President). Following is how the PFA Election Process works:
1) Spring Election dates are announced.
2) All Bay Laurel Parents can submit their name for any position on the board.
3) Ballots are prepared and sent electronically to all parents via email in February/March of the current school year.
4) Ballots are collected and counted electronically, then winners are determined.
5) Election winners are announced in one of the Sunday PFA email blasts in April.
6) Outgoing PFA Board Members are thanked; incoming PFA Board members are "installed" at our PFA Installation Meeting at the end of May/early June.
A brief overview of our elected positions include the following (for additional detail on each position click HERE, or contact PFA President, Dawn Sue-Dare):
- President: Leads and oversees the PFA, oversees Annual Fund Drive (AFD)
- Executive Vice President: Assists the President, writes grant proposals, oversees enrichment, calendars all PFA events.
- Administrative Vice President: Oversees school supplies, teacher proposals, PFA elections; serves as PFA parliamentarian.
- Secretary: Records minutes at PFA meetings, serves as social secretary.
- Treasurer: Reconciles accounts monthly, deposits checks, writes checks, works with the PFA's bookkeepers and accounting firm.
- Director of Volunteer Coordination: Prepares weekly blasts and monthly newsletters, serves as Room Parent and high school volunteer liaison, oversees New Parent Welcome events.
- Director of Special Programs: Schedules school assemblies, oversees PFA side of specialists, oversees Red Ribbon Week, Literacy Week, Birthday Book Club.
- Director of Communications: Oversees PFA Webmaster and social media manager, school directory, digital marquee updates, yearbook, and sponsorships.
- Director of Fundraising: Works with President & VP's on PFA fundraising events including Auction, Family Game Night, etc.; oversees Community Nights/Fundraisers.
- Director of Social Fundraising: Oversees talent show, Party Book, and various other PFA fundraising events, including Dolphin Dash (Jog-a-Thon), spring dance, etc.
- Director of 5th Grade Services: Oversees all 5th grade activities, including yearbook, fundraising, social events, Culmination, and class t-shirts.
- Director of Traffic/Campus Safety: Oversees carline duty and creates weekly schedule, attends Traffic & Safety Meetings at City of Calabasas, works with room parents to update classroom emergency backpacks,