Sponsor Bay Laurel's Got Talent and Be in Our Program! Half page sponsor (landscape): $85 Full page sponsor (portrait): $150 Back Cover: $350 Inside Cover: $500 *Logos of businesses will also be shown on screen before the show and during intermission
IMPORTANT DATES: Monday, October 14th: Registration Opens Friday, November 8th: Registration Closes Thursday, November 13th: Mandatory Zoom Meeting for Leaders Monday, December 9th: Final Music Due Monday, December 16th: Auditions at Bay Laurel MPR (Sign up coming soon) Tuesday, December 16th: Auditions at Bay Laurel MPR (Sign up coming soon) Friday, January 17th: Shout-Outs Due! Wednesday, January 29th: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at Bay Laurel MPR Thursday, January 30th: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at Bay Laurel MPR Thursday, February 13: Tech Rehearsals at PAEC Friday, February 14: Dress Rehearsal Saturday, February 15th: Bay Laurel's Got Talent!